Friday, January 22, 2010

It Was Just A Suggestion

Well hells bells! When did mid January arrive and why haven’t I posted my “beginning” of the year blog? Better late than never…Right?

In honor of this most glorious New Year, I’ve decided to rid my life of resolutions because quite frankly, when have I ever actually kept them? Oh, that’s right. NEVER. However, since 2009 was like one giant bitch slap to the face, I’ve decided to take some steps, in the form of “Suggestions” (less pressure if I fail) to help out the 2010 life! Heaven knows I can’t take another year of the extreme emotional, mental, and physical strife that the-year-that-shall-not-be-named brought me.

So here we go. A list of mere “suggestions” to help make 2010 a year that doesn’t make me want to jam a pencil in my eye and jump out a window…or something less painful and dramatic.

Suggestion #1: Take care of the ole body. After all, I’m kinda stuck with it so I should probably be kind to it. You know, keep it up & running properly.

Suggestion #2: Start living life for thyself. Sometimes it’s okay to be a little selfish. In fact, it’s downright healthy! Otherwise, we spend a lifetime trying to please everyone around us and never truly live the life we imagined in the first place. This always leads to resentment and a fan of this, I am not.

Suggestion #3: Spend every moment I can with the people I love while I’m still a Tennessee resident. It’s a hard knock life always feeling torn between the people I love and the place that stole my heart. So while I’m still near the dear loveys, I plan to make the most of it.

Suggestion #4: I must stop beating myself up for every little thing. Stop making impossible comparisons to others. I need to learn to appreciate what I’ve been given and be kind to myself if I slip up along the way. I am human. I will make mistakes. I will never be perfect…no one is (well unless you’re Mary Poppins and even she was just “practically” perfect). When I think about the way I talk to myself sometimes, it’s BRUTAL. I would never stand for that from anyone else so why do I treat myself so terribly?!

Suggestion #5: More writing, less wasting time being distracted. (Note: In order to maintain this “suggestion”, must keep the ADHD prescription filled!)

Suggestion #6: Cut back on the spending and throw back some moolah into savings! European adventures and transcontinental moves don’t exactly come cheap, in case you forgot. What this really means is stay away from the following:

  • Target
  • Cute lil quirky boutiques
  • Bookstores (need I remind you of the already waste high stack of books you have waiting to be read)
  • Less Starbucks and other arm-costing coffee beverages (You do realize that you have a coffee maker at home, right?)
  • Best Buy or any other entertainment related store (I think your 400+ film collection will just have to do for now!)
  • iTunes (Just because you can’t feel it in your hands, doesn’t mean you didn’t just spend your entire tips for the day)
  • Urban Outfitters…whether the actual store or the online store! (You have ZERO self-control when it comes to pretty patterns…and fun tops…and vibrant colors...and sassy dresses…and cozy materials…and adorable hats…and all the beauty that is housed under that glorious name…sigh. Wait. Crap. Shakes it off. Daydreaming about fashion over and suggestion writing resumed!) In other words, STAY AWAY if you ever want to have money again. Far, far, FAR away!
  • I would suggest cutting back on alcohol to save money but who am I kidding? I’m gonna need all the booze I can get to survive the rest of these restrictions!

Suggestion #7: It’s time to let go. There are moments in life when you need to recognize the people or things that are hurting or hindering you from moving forward and cut them loose. I’ve been known to hold on to these certain people or things with a death grip! I don’t like to think that something or someone who had such an impact on my life could become such a burden. So 2010 is going to be all about letting go and freeing myself to move on. Buh-bye burdens.

Suggestion #8: How about following through with projects. I sure do love to start them…LOTS of them. However, I haven’t been the best at finishing said projects. This might be because I’ve always had the problem of getting distracted with a new project (can you say ADHD?) and become eager to start it, thus abandoning the previous project. It’s a vicious cycle. Now that I have meds in my possession (Hallelujah!), hopefully my ability to focus will solve the ole following through problem. Fingers Crossed people, fingers crossed!

Well I’ve managed eight “suggestions” for the Oh-10. I was going to shoot for ten but there’s always so much pressure that comes with that number. Eight seems more do-able. Yes, I like eight.

So here’s to you 2010, I “suggest” that you be kind to me because this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease

“If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.”
~Dolly Parton

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