Sunday, November 29, 2009

What's in a Tweet?

As I was sitting here this morning sipping on a nice cuppa tea and reading my first tweets of the day, one of my fellow tweeters, followers, friends (or whatever you choose to call the people in which you converse via the Twitter world) had posted a link to what is known as a 'tweet cloud'. Intrigued, I clicked on the link and discovered that this tweet cloud collects the words used most within your tweets by either day, week, months, or within the last year. Being the complete word nerd that I am, creating one of these was obviously necessary.

Choosing a time frame was easy enough considering my curiosity for learning what words dominated one of the most stressful, thrilling years of my life! Within a few short clicks of a button, the past year of my tweeting life was organized first in order of most used words and then neatly into a colorful cloud of words (found here):

Here are the Top Tweeting Ten highlights:

1. The fact that LOVE is my most used tweeting word is both perfect and completely comical. I wish you knew how many times people have brought up the fact that I am what some would refer to as a 'love whore'. Sure, I'm a lover of the word love and I just love to use it whenever I lovin' can! I figure if that's the word most associated with my name, I'm not doing too shabby in this life.

2, 3, 4, 5. Time, Night, Life, Dissertation...these four words pretty much sum up what the mass majority of the last year of my life revolved around. Time for this deadline, time for that one; more sleepless nights than I ever care to remember; and it all lead up to the ultimate ruler of the 25th(ish) year of my life...the 'dreaded' dissertation. Yup, sounds about right to me!

6. Watching. Wow. This tweet cloud is showing my soul! I'm always watching. It's one of my all time favorite activities...people watching, watching films, watching life happen all around. The problem here sometimes becomes that I get caught up in watching, rather than living.

7, 8, 9. Happy, London, Days. I decided to group these into one category because I'm not sure that anything could more accurately describe my life and LOVE for that city. Happy London Days pretty much says it all!

10. Sweet. The fact that this word rounded out my Top Tweeting Ten actually surprised me a bit. Not because I'm against the word because it is in fact, a very 'sweet' word. Apparently, I'm just unaware of my extreme use of this word in my everyday descriptions of this 'sweet' life.

Further Tweet Cloud inspection can be summed up with the last year of my life apparently being filled with quality music and films. I must have run off coffee from the exhaustion of no sleep due to writing research causing my brain to go crazy and completely dreading the mornings when my body didn't feel ready to face the day! I spent many tonights hahahaing with amazing friends, talking about the pretty people and waiting on what the tomorrows would bring. I'm a girl with a lovely life, always feeling with my whole heart. I hear about news, write words, and dream of the world outside of Nashville, always missing London and looking forward to getting back to the true home of my heart soon. It's gonna be hard darlin to leave people behind but everyone knows I think mainly with my heart and not my head. But they know the life I hope for and know I will check in on them no matter where I am in this world. Oh, and I'm apparently very polite, always using my dears, pleases, and thank yous.

I can now safely say that tweeting your life away DOES in fact breed self-discovery. So how about all you twitter haters put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease


"By all means use sometimes to be alone. Salute thyself; see what thy soul doth wear." ~George Herbert

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