Friday, July 31, 2009

Whistlin' a different the key of G(reen) sharp.

Oh sweet maple, it has finally happened! The universe has decided to give me a chance to prove that I am, in fact, an intelligent, hireable person after all. What a relief! For a minute there, I thought that heaping pile of school loans was going to be a massive monetary waste. However, by some stroke of much needed luck or long overdue good karma, I have managed to land one helluva sweet internship!

I’m not sure which plea to the powers that be got through but it just goes to prove that persistence (and whining) pays off. As of September, I shall be embarking on what could only be described as a tailor-made internship opportunity for yours truly. I’m entering a work world where my passion for music and the arts meets social change. My brain will be a churning and all of this higher education will finally be put to good use. It gives me the urge to start singing “I’m So Excited” in true Jessie Spano fashion! Sans the freak out moment and speed, obviously, but you get the drift. Excitement…lots and lots of excitement.

So what pray tell, shall this arts lovin’, social change promoting diva be lending her (slightly delusional, yet brilliant) mind to? Check it out for yourselves folks:


My job description in a nutshell: Gaining support, momentum, and musical contributions in preparation for the big U.S. launch next year…Not to shabby for Beka, I tell you.

Next on the agenda…a job that pays the bills (and contributes to my European savings jar) and finishing that dissertation! Man, oh man, will I be in business then.

Oh! If you want to be a real gem and make my future job easier, you should go click on that Facebook link I so conveniently provided above and become a fan. It’s easy peasy lemon squeezy…

Now go be Green & Gorgeous!

Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease.


1 comment:

  1. congratulations darling. you wanted it. you worked for it. and now you got it. enjoy it. you earned it.
