Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Adventures" of the unemployed

First and foremost, I would like to welcome you to my humble blogging abode! I've been meaning to get this up and running for AGES but now that the ages have passed, it's a done deal. I have arrived and life as you know it will never be the same.

DISCLAIMER: If you are in any way offended, scared, or annoyed by spazzy, cheese loving optimistic (well...predominantly) nerds; this probably isn't the place for you. If you dig bigotry, wearing socks with sandals, talking during films, freakishly orange people, or Paris Hilton; please leave quietly and unannounced. If you've made it to this point, I have a feeling this a the beginning of a B-E-A-uuuuutiful blogtastic relationship.

This blog, like myself, is a work in progress...

I've been back from England for just over 6 weeks and find myself sitting on this same corner of soft leather day in and day out. So often do I sit here that I'm quite certain that a Beka-shaped booty imprint is going to be permanently etched. This being jobless thing...well, it's for the birds! I am more than over it and incredibly ready for some fabulous (or mediocre...the lack of funds doesn't really allow for being picky) employer to, in the words of ABBA, "Take a Chance on Me." It's not like I'm expecting my dream job to just fall into my lap but all I'm asking is Dear sweet mother of all that is good and holy, please don't make me go back to waiting tables! Yes, it's good money. Yes, it's a job. Yes, yes, yes, I know all of this. However, this doesn't change the fact that it feels like a huge step backwards after all of the effort and hard work I've put into this masters degree I'm currently working towards. Not to mention, I would much prefer something that is oh, you know, slightly more engaging for the ole grey matter and will actually contribute something useful to my resume. Is that really too much to ask of the universe?! I think not. It must be said, at the risk of sounding slightly boastful, that I would be an excellent employer. I'm intelligent, quick, freakishly organized, and have the work ethic of a Trojan! Just sayin'.

To add to my ever rising stress levels, I do still have this tiny little thing called a dissertation to finish writing. I've got 12 weeks to take that bad boy down, which sounds achievable right? Well, it would be if all motivation for anything and everything masters related hadn't gone into hiding. If you find it, please return immediately. It is sorely missed and my desperation and despair seem to be increasing with each passing day. Before long absolute FREAK OUT mode shall commence...I'll give up, fail my degree, wind up on the street singing shoulda, coulda, woulda's with my out of tune guitar and a mangy mutt as my only companion...all hope will be lost! (Pardon the over-dramatizing but it's my way of coping. To be fair, I did warn you of my spazzy behavior in the above disclaimer.)

Now chuck in loads of movie watching, music discovering, social networking, and boozing away worries...welcome to my world. I vote for an improvement.

Until next time...

Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease.


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