Tuesday, June 10, 2014


In honor of National Best Friend Day, it seemed like a good time to get chummy with y'all.

You always hear people saying that in your life, you can probably count your true friends on just one hand. I've always found that idea to be really interesting and quite honestly, under par throughout my life. No matter where I've traveled or lived, I have made some truly deep and lasting friendships. I may not talk to them everyday, but I can safely say that I could call on any number of people at any given time and they would be there for me in a flash. My mom always told me how fortunate I am to draw such quality people into my life and as I've gotten older, I now realize just how rare this is for most people.

Friendships come in all forms but what I find most interesting about those I've made in my life is that most of them happened in the most divine or unconventional of ways.

Fate brought me and my absolute best together after we had both come out of disastrously bad relationships (the thank God we dodged that bullet kind) and moved into the same shared apartment. That was ten years ago now and what a wild ride it's been! It's pretty incredible to know a person that truly understands and supports you, will tell you when you're being a complete twit, and can laugh with (or at) you so hard that you both end up breathless and peeing your pants. Soulmate besties!

I've also always been great at long distance and online friendships.

It started as a child. I had a knack for making fast friends in the hotel pool on vacations and loved writing letters back and forth when we would return home. I was a regular little pen pal-er from an early age! I have found that you really get to know people through the written word because there is comfort and openness to it. This transformed as the internet came to the forefront. For starters, I am a loud and proud supporter of online dating - it's the whole reason I met and fell in love with the best friend and most super duper amazingly awesome man in the whole wide world (THANK YOU INTERNET!). I have several close and fabulous pals that all began from simply sharing back and forth on twitter. I am forever grateful to the age of social media and the blogosphere. It has been an essential key to staying in touch with the people that matter most to me and meeting new people from all walks of life. From my wonderfully whacky family and hometown, to my college years spent working in Peanut Hell (Logan's Roadhouse for those not in the know), to international internship programs, year long drunkfests in Austin, grad schooling in London, travel adventures, and a thriving online community -- I have been surrounded and saved by life-changing friendships.

So no matter what type of friend you are to me - new, old, online, school, travel, work, best, family - I am grateful.

I dedicate this classic tune to all of you (because we all know I love any chance to squeeze in something awesomely cheesy and related to my childhood - Zack Attack!!!!).

Peace, Love, and Friends Forever,


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