“Turn the Gays Away”. Every time I read this phrase in a new article about another state trying to implement this as law, my emotions overflow with anger and sadness. I highly doubt that any of them will actually get pushed through but the fact that they even exist is bad enough. But what truly disgusts me about these proposed laws...they are being created on the basis of religion.
I grew up Christian. My family wasn’t exactly knocking down the church doors every time they were open but I have a solid religious foundation. What I remember most are the messages of love. As a child, I always thought about what a cool guy Jesus must have been and how much I admired his love for ALL people. My favorite song to sing at VBS (Vacation Bible School for those not in the know) was Jesus Loves the Little Children.
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Jesus didn’t discriminate against ANYONE. Not because of race, religion, or sexual orientation. He poured out love. He didn’t turn anyone away. He was peaceful, caring, and generous.
So I need someone to explain to me how a person living a so-called Christian life justifies turning another person away simply because of who they love. We are born who we are and to love who we love. I happen to be born a woman who loves a truly great man but what if I wasn’t? Would that make many any less deserving of the same love and opportunities as anyone else? Or in the case of this law, should it stop me from spending my money at the same establishment as anyone else just because of my sexual orientation? I’m gonna go with a big, fat NO and based on what I know about Jesus and his teachings, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he would agree with me. If Jesus were a business owner, I think he would welcome me in with open arms. Gay or straight.
Now, I’m not an active church member anymore. Perhaps it’s because I see more messages of judgement and condemnation coming out of them, rather than love these days. In the words of Gandhi (or so the internet says), “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for my religious foundation and the example of love and acceptance that I learned from my family. I’m still very spiritual and have great faith but I can’t identify myself with what the majority of Christian churches in this country (and particularly here in the south) represent these days. Especially when it comes to the gay rights movement. I want to see everyone dear to me be able to experience the same opportunities that I am fortunate to have in my life.
I realize this is a very touchy subject for many people but I don’t want to sit back and be on the wrong side of history. I will now and forever choose Love.
Peace, LOVE, & Equality,