Let me first say that yes, I do realize that I am writing my “New Year” related blog about 26 days into it and yes, I do realize that is a wee bit late but honestly, would you expect anything else from me? I didn’t think so – but allow me to explain regardless.
For friends and readers of this blog, it comes as no surprise that 2010 and I certainly had our ups and downs. We laughed…we cried…we shared countless anxiety attacks. As I look back on it, I would conclude that it was both a beautiful and disastrous year all rolled into one. On the one hand, I spent several life-changing months traveling throughout Greece and Italy. I can honestly say that I have never felt more alive, inspired, and completely at ease with myself as I did during that time. I was carefree and incandescently happy (further proof that traveling is absolutely vital to my existence and my sanity)! Truly, it was one of the most amazing experiences that my 27 years has ever known. I came home from that trip feeling hopeful and high on life! I just KNEW that things were going to work out exactly how I had dreamed up and planned out (Go ahead. Laugh. I know you want to). WRONG. Life, per usual, had other plans for me.
The real world happened. The soul-crushing, mind-numbing monotony of job hunting took over my life and hasn’t released its grip for the past five months (cue melodramatic theme music). Truly, some days are really hard. You feel beaten down, frustrated, and discouraged – but then I have to remember not to take it so personally. I have to remind myself that these employers aren’t actually picking up my resume and shouting, “Oh, she’s completely incompetent! What a fool! Why would she even bother?” Hell, most of them probably haven’t even actually LOOKED at my resume - At least that’s what I am going to keep telling myself in order to maintain a bit of dignity. What I do know is that this is a shoddy economy we currently live in and I am not the only victim of it. While I don’t particularly like to think about others feeling as crummy as I do about all of this, I also take comfort in knowing that I am not alone. It's a wretched situation and I am wishing all of you luck (but only after I have secured a job before you. Kidding. Kind of).
Needless to say, I had BIG hopes for the beginning of 2011. I don’t know why I thought that the changing of one digit was going to magically make life better (oh yes, I do – it’s because I am a delusional dreamer) but by golly gumdrops, I was convinced that number 1 was going to do it. I don’t think I need to state the obvious but just for good measure - it did not. Yes, yes, I know that we haven’t even finished out the first month of the year but you have to agree with me on one thing – being blind-sided with a break-up three days into the new year, followed by three more weeks of unemployment (with no real prospects) doesn’t exactly scream a promising fresh start, now does it?
So I am proposing that my new year start with the month of February instead. My logic for this: If they can change the bloody zodiac, then I can change when I want my new year to begin! That’s legit, right? I thought so, too. So this is what I propose. I am going to write January off as a practice month, a rehearsal if you will. This means that the beginning of “my new year” will involve a trip to Chicago and what better way to start my year than with a bit of adventure in a new city! Yes, I much prefer this as a start point.
So here is to the New Year – I am not asking for greedy specifics, just please be kind to me.
Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease