It's true. I've become a news, entertainment, & social media junkie! I wake up, open up ole Mable the MacBook, I gets on the interwebbies, and I shoot it up. A little bit of Huffington Post here, a little bit of Netflix there. Maybe a dose of my Brits on the BBC and a then some of Fox News just to get me good and riled up with their foolishness. I toss in a bit of Mormon mommy blog reading [their lives really can't be that adorable & "perfect". Right?], music blogs, fashion blogs, political blogs, save the world blogs, bitter blogs, not so bitter [but proudly promiscuous] blogs, and those crafty blogs that make me feel oh so inadequate and inspired to be all creative & DIY-ee at the same time. Of course, then there's that slight addiction I have to Facebook stalking [not your page, of course] and live for the moments when I get to check-in somewhere, in order to prove that I do, in fact, still have a life [holy pathetic, batman]. And how could I ever forget to mention my time spent tweeting about the most insightful of things [okay, so maybe that one about dropping my book in the tub wasn't exactly profound -- but I bet it did teach you to be more careful with paper products during bath time!].
But honestly, aside from the whole job hunting until I'm bloody blue in the face, what else am I suppose to do with my time? If I can't be contributing to society in some way, I should at least know what's going on out there and feel like I'm still a part of it. Which made me think, what in the hell would I have done if this happened to me before the days of social media? I know what. I would perish. PERISH, I tell you!...or maybe something less dramatic, since I wouldn't have known the joys and life-saving capabilities of it. But I am absolutely certain that I would not be handling this whole unemployed "lifestyle" nearly as well in some other day and age [and yes folks, this has been me handling it well. Trust me!]. As much as I love my me time, I equally love and thrive on social interaction. Social media has made it possible for me to still be a part of the dialogue and not feel like a complete waste of space. I feel connected. I feel understood [well...most of the time]. I am "in the know." I get to share in ways that I would have never thought possible, oh so many moons ago.
Now, I know there are plenty of haters out there that don't get/aren't into the whole social networking scene...they find it creepy or invasive of their privacy. That's fine. I get it. But that's the beauty of it -- you don't have to take part in it, if for some reason it just isn't your cuppa tea. I, on the other hand find it to be extremely comforting and a beautifully strange new way of living. I mean, I get to have interactions with friends, family, and strangers from all across the globe on any given day. As a girl who has always valued the art of staying in touch and jumps at the chance to meet [and learn from!] new & intriguing people, social media has done nothing but enrich my life...and perhaps cause the occasional distraction from things that I technically should be doing, but let's not get into that right now, shall we?
One thing is for certain - this sponge here is soakin' up everything social media has to offer and thanking those nerds that be for keeping me connected.
Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease,